How am I going to keep this straight?
I ALREADY need a glass of wine and it's only Wednesday night! So for shits and giggles I decided to google "how to get my baby ready for time change" and you would be SUPRISED to see how many things popped up! And the consensus was to start a week ahead of time keeping them up later by 15 minutes every night to get them on a different schedule..well since I'm already fucked cuz it's just about Thursday I will have that glass now please :) I have to say I feel alot better about myself when I read shit like this:
"We live in Russia but have traveled back and forth to the States twice now with my 10-month old DS. I've heard that it takes a day for every hour you change, and when we changed 11 hours it definitely took at least 11 days for him to get over jet lag. He would sleep more and more on the local time each day, but I had to just go with the flow until he totally adapted."
ARE YOU SERIOUS! I can't imagine traveling to and from freakin' Russia w/ a 10mo old! Just slit my wrists and call it a day! Oh that reminds me, little man turned 8mo today! And I already forgot to take his little picture w/ his little 8mo sticker on it...I'm already turning into a horrible mom. Hopefully someday he will forgive me..."Mom, you were a day late posting my 8mo old picture WTF, now I'm in counseling and I like to cut myself"...I would just die. I will get on the stick tomorrow I promise....after my coffee....and a shower...possibly a get the drift.

Happy Thursday Ya'll!
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