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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Shots shots shots! Vaccines I mean

So this week I have to take Drewbear to get his shots and I am not looking forward to it at's like an a sane asylum at the Pediatrician's office, all these kids and babies are so happy in the waiting room, watching cartoons or abusing the fish in the fish tank, then you go behind the doors and all you hear are screams of bloody murder and tears everywhere...what are they doing to these kids?! Last time we got shots he did not do well...was sooo irritable the rest of the day so this time I'm taking their last appointment hoping I will have less hours of irritability. Here he is before the torture.

That's the easy part, the hard part is getting a damn appointment! Every time I call to schedule something they send me to Accounting because I have a 'balance' which is not due from me but from lovely Blue Cross Blue Shield. Then Accounting confirms said balance isn't from me "so we can go ahead and make that appointment for you" o Gee thanks! I look at my EOB's honkey and I know what I do and do not owe. So needless to say every time I call there they act like I'm running away with their Mercedes parked in the parking lot. You would think they would see Drew as an opportunity, this kid is young, lots of doctor visits, this kid is a goldmine! NOPE I have to get on my hands and knees to beg them to vaccinate him. Then when I called to make this one after the accounting hoopla they asked if my insurance was changing and I said 'yes' the group/member id is changing but it's still the same provider....O HELL NO. Why did I say anything?? Well I must have told her she was going to die in 7 days because she lost her mind. WAIT, WHAT? "Do you know what it's going to be and when it's effective date will be??" Why yes I do; I am somewhat of a responsible adult. After giving her the info that took me 3 hours to retrieve from BCBS she proceeded to tell me it doesn't matter since he isn't "showing" on the website under me..not sure what website she is referring to so what does that mean for me? "Well I'm going to have to talk to Mrs. Company Name and get back to you on what we will do in this situation" So I was furious to say the least, I know what insurance we have and what we pay for..and since when did everything have to preauthorize around here, isn't that the point, we come in and you bill? Now you are trying to bill before I come in? And because of this he can't get his shots.

 Well I did what any upset mom would do...I wrote a letter :) It's super long and boring, and I don't want to lose basically said that I am fed up with being treated like a homeless person off of the street that owes you thousands of dollars and would appreciate not being sent to Accounting every time I call for an appt. I was proud of this...I normally just vent to my husband and he just shakes his head while watching football not paying attention to my rant. Then I get a phone call "hello Mrs. Watters" well that was weird, I'm still getting used to sounding like an 80yr old lady. "This is just company policy..anyone who has a balance over $50 goes to accounting, you aren't being singled out in any way, and as far as the appointment if we are still unable to verify his coverage the total amount will be due to you upon checking out." O WELL thank you so much Mrs. Ruin your day. In conclusion I will be looking for a new Pediatrician because I have enough shit to worry about I don't need to worry about my itty bitty balance that BCBS owes you, take that out with them. Shit just is never easy around these parts that is for sure! So say a prayer this week for me while Drew gets poked, cries, and hollers...and I punch out some nurses :)

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