Usually during Superbowl I only pay attention to the commercials that companies shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars to air. These commercials don't particularly make me want to purchase that item but usually provide some pretty good entertainment. When did these commercials become such a big deal? Maybe they found some loophole where dudes get influenced more than women so therefore Superbowl is the most watched sports game of the season and maybe they will make one hungry sole pick Doritos over Cheetos. Hmmm.

With that being said lets put out some awesome recipes to make for your gatherings while I am at home, maybe washing my hair or bottles :)
I can't take credit for this recipe, My Mom and Aunt just whipped this up one day...crazy bitches.
Buffalo Chicken Wontons
1 package of Wonton Wrappers
1 Rotisserie Chicken
1 package Reduced-fat Cream Cheese
Hot Sauce
Ranch/Blue Cheese for dippin'
This is so fricken easy and so fricken tasty. Heat oven to 350. Shred up chicken, depending on the size of your bird will be the determining factor on how much cream cheese you need. Mine was small so I only used 1/2 of it. If you have alot of chicken you want it pliable so you can shape it into the wontons. Heat up the cream cheese in the microwave for 30 seconds and stir into chicken, add hot sauce to taste, I used 3 Tbsp. Spray a Muffin Tin or Pan with non-stick cooking spray. Take a won-ton put a Tsp-Tbsp of filling in it and seal with a pastry brush and water, or you can fold all the corners to point to the ceiling and then you don't have to seal at all. Place on sheet and back for 15 minutes until browned. Serve w/ Ranch and Blue cheese and Celery and Carrots.
Another amazingly easy crowd pleaser...I'm sure you have seen these on Pinterest
Mini Corn Dogs
1 package of corn muffin mix
1 package of Lil Smokies
Mustard/ BBQ sauce for dippin'
Follow instructions on muffin mix and prepare as directed and heat oven to directed temp also, should be around 350. Spray the shit out of a mini-muffin pan...Be liberal for real cuz that shit will stick. Cut your Lil Smokies in half. Fill up your mini-muffin pan with the batter, just leave a little room and pop the dog in the middle. Then cook em up, let them cool a little before removing them from the pan and serve them with your favorite dipping sauces.
What's your favorite Game-Day Recipes?
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