But what you aren't prepared for is that everything is in funky places. Before when I would be on the heavy side it would be all in my belly and that was it, so I would wear some flowy shirts before I got my ass back to working out on a somewhat regular basis. I have always been a very active person..I played soccer from like age 10-High School and I played Club ball all year round, so basically soccer 7 days a week which is such a great workout and my position of Mid-field didn't hurt that either, we did the most running back and forth, back and forth...man I was a stick...after all that hoopla I enjoyed running..well I'll say jogging..before I got pregnant I would try to go 3x's a week around our neighborhood before work..yea I somehow got very dedicated. Then when I got pregnant I still tried to go either walking with the dogs, Zumba, or Biggest Loser Boxfit for Xbox...I wanted to not be the hugely gross pregnant lady who's just eating donuts and drinking soda. Although I had my fair share of donuts :)
After my marathon of Labor the doctor ending up giving me an episiotomy because I was just "too small and muscular" down there...huh WHAT?! So I guess that factor didn't help me in actually getting that fella out of my vagina. But I was hopeful that I would get some weight off quickly because I was good at keeping active up until that point and wanted to start out soon.
Two things happened after the birth of my beautiful baby boy...sleep deprivation and incontinence. Which NO baby books really touch on and I already had a little bought of incontinence when I would do 5K's. Overexertion would def. bring that shit on and there I go running for the bathroom. Well it didn't even ring a bell that I might have that issue after giving birth. So I went to go jogging around 7 weeks I think, I was still trying to breastfeed so my boobs were punching themselves in their faces while I went around the block and after about 5 minutes I ended up peeing ALL over myself. Well that was nice and refreshing...I made it a point to take it easy for a few more weeks, try some simple workouts around the house along with Kegels to try to strengthen that jazz before tying up the running shoes again.
You just don't realize all the hell that you put your body through when you are carrying a child...all your skin stretches, fat accumulates in the weirdest parts and all of a sudden you look like a contestant on biggest loser with all your flappy skin. BUT at least you have a beautiful baby to look at to keep your mind off all of that. I recently read an amazing article HERE about body after babies and realistic pictures of REAL moms not stupid celebs. I give these moms great credit because the last thing you want to do is throw on a bikini and take some photos! But we have to realize the big picture here...YOU MADE A CHILD! YOU CARRIED A HUMAN BEING FOR 9-10MONTHS! I mean if that isn't a miracle then I don't know what is...Who cares if our bodies are all mangled afterwards, I consider my stretchmarks my war wounds and I am sure anyone who cannot conceive would take them in a heartbeat to be able to have this gift. So take your time, don't get down on your flappy lower belly...it's proof of how amazing we are and what we can offer to our families and our husbands. Because there is no way a MAN could go through what we do :)
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