Sometimes that shit backfires on me, case in point...Babyfood. For some unknown reason Andrew has a hellish reaction to bananas. So I buy all these different items with fruits and veggies in it and POW...hello stomach pains and diarrhea! DAMNIT! And I feel weird taking that shit back like they will look at me at the register and think I poisoned it or something! And those babyfood companies can be VERY sneaky...just the other day I tried giving him this Peach, Berry, Quinoa thing...he left like 2 bites so I just finished it off and I'm thinking "tastes like bananas?" Sure enough there was damn banana puree in there...FOILED again! So now I got two boxes of that banana crap that some lucky sole will be getting for free.
Let's talk about the snot-sucker...ya know babies should be able to push that snot of our their nose. They push pee out, poo out, drool out...wth what happened w/ boogies? Drew HATES the snot sucker, like screams and throws his head every which way and tries to grab it..probably to stab it in my eye or something. So the best thing for me is my damn pinky...for some reason he lets me stick it right in there...Soo gross. The other day I picked a huge one out and put it on my husbands phone...he was soo mad..hey this is what WE signed up for Honey Buns :) This is called fore-play now :)
Let's see what else...o Pee Pee good of an idea as this is..for those of you how don't know. It's a little cloth T-Pee that you put on the boy parts while you are changing him so he doesn't give you a golden shower...wait that's a sexual thing...well you know what I mean. This WOULD work if your little man doesn't move AT ALL. Which hmmm happens NEVER! So someone probably made millions on that thing for no one to ever actually use them.
Ok this is a haunting product...the Windi...see below..I had to actually read the box on this thing cuz I was like "there's NO WAY this is what I think it is."

So this lovely contraption you actually insert into your childs rectum (damn near killed him) to release the "gas" Here is the actual description of the product:
A natural solution for colic, constipation, and other gas-related
problems, The Windi works instantly and does not require ingestion of
any drops or medication. The Windi is a single-use catheter that helps
babies get rid of excess gas. Designed to be safe and effective, The
Windi cannot harm your baby if used as instructed. Most pediatric
professionals are familiar with the method of using a rectal thermometer
to relieve gas, colic, and constipation. The Windi is designed
specifically for this purpose. The soft, pliable, hollow tube features a
rounded tip that is long enough to reach past the muscle that prevents
the release of the gas, and also has a stopper to prevent an insertion
too far.
So Andrew had real bad gas his first few weeks into this world and we figured out it was due to a milk sensitivity, we switched him to Soy Formula and he's never been better! My Doc never suggested we get a rectal thermometer and insert it in there to get the gas out! Nor would I have done that even if instructed to do so. This is def. disturbing to me..did they do test to see if this doesn't have any long-term effects?? And to think I can't even get a snot sucker in his nose how would I be able to get this thing up his butt! yuck yuck yuck.
Any baby contraptions you think are ridiculous?
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