The shittiest part is no one would stand up to him since he is one of those types that just rewords everything and makes you believe he is right every time. It's like talking to a brick wall since he has what's in his head and he won't think outside the box. Case in point when I came back from leave I owed a certain amount for health insurance while I was out...the amount they were taking out of my paycheck didn't coincide with what I owed. So I asked him about it...."o NO it's right, I'll show you, see here is what you owe and this is what we take out" "yea but that means it's more than what I actually owe" "nope it's right" OKAY then douchebag. Then I have the accounting chick come up to me a few weeks later asking why I am paying so much...WELL I explain our conversation...she says "yes you are overpaying" GREAT. Whatever. You can't teach an old dog new tricks I guess.
So then we get an additional email this week saying our payroll date is changing YET AGAIN. Is this dude serious? Is this how you run a company? And he clearly said at our Holiday Party...which if you missed that post you should read it HERE he saved 27k this year switching payroll companies. OK so you save and we get shat on? Oh man I was on fire! So I said Fuck it, I'm leaving I'm going to speak up, not for me but for my people.. HA! So I emailed our "all Staff" back basically stating that this is crappy especially since it was just moved. OH SNAP did that create chaos; then everyone starting emailing their feelings on it also :) That provoked the bear out of his cave, he came out of his office and came to me first asking me why I cared since I was leaving...He's special right? I said I was speaking for everyone here. Then it was like a Team Meeting, and it took AWHILE for him to even get it since he said "well all you have to do is pay that bill before instead of after you paydate" Finally after like 3 people said "With what money? We are counting on that $$ to pay that!" How does he not know with salaries these people are making that they are living paycheck to paycheck, especially the single ones! Give me a break!
In conclusion everyone suggested moving payroll to every other Friday like every other company in the world and he caved in. DAMNIT I should have spoke sooner! That was my good deed for the year.
:-) I am SO going to miss you.
ReplyDeleteI will only miss some of the people and you are one of them! :)