When I used to think taking a trip to the City was bad...now it's Hell on wheels..pre-kid..."O Man we need gas in the car...and can you grab me a water while you are in there" Now "do I have diapers, food, bottles, spoon, paci, toys, burp rag, bibs, stroller, carseat...kid?" Half the time I forget key items that I need...I forgot I had Aunt Flo amongst the chaos and left the house with NOTHING...hmmm you think I can use one of these bibs..and just like fasten it around..you get the point. It's especially horrific when my Husband isn't home..then I have to plan that during one of my kids naps I gather all of said items mentioned above and pack them, along with what I need which USUALLY doesn't happen. And did I mention that all this makes me horribly LATE for EVERYTHING. Like even just going out to lunch with friends...ridiculous..now I have to start getting just HIM ready 15 minutes before I even have to leave in case of diaper blowouts, spitup blowouts or just some crazy ass unnatural occurrence. I would compare it to you are going on Survivor and do not know when you will be back. So Goodbye Mrs. Ontime...hope my friends/family don't hate me!
As you can tell from my lack of posting this week I have been crazily overwhelmed, which you might think is a joke.."Didn't she just quit her fulltime job?" Yes I did. However I AM caring for my child pretty much until 6pm every night, and then putting him to bed ( I have some help during the evening with the Hubs) I am also going to the gym and work at a salon 2 days a week and ALSO do direct sales for a Wine Company which I am totally digging. SO I am having trouble with time-management. I need to schedule myself to check emails, send out wine info, looks presentable for the salon, try to schedule a good time to go to the gym since they do not feed or change the babies. Somehow make dinner, go to the store, pay bills, clean house. Keep in mind Drew has been napping like crap and has diarrhea so I am expecting another tooth..JOY. I still feel like I need more hours in the day but I am sure hopefully soon I can grasp some sort of routine so I do not lose my mind. O I forgot to add blogging in there :) And remembering to do all that shit above HA! I have to leave myself little notes all around the house so I remind myself...What am I going through menopause..am I 80 years old? No my attention is constantly on that little rug rat army-crawling all over the house. Mrs. Remembering yea you knew you were next...See ya!
What I AM working on is Patience...before if I saw something dirty I would clean it, if I saw a recipe I wanted to make I went to the store, bought the groceries, came home and cooked it! If I wanted to go to Homegoods and try to decorate my house I did it! Now I can try to accomplish those things but I have to keep in mind that if it doesn't work out to NOT get discouraged. Tomorrow is another day and another day you can try, nothing is that pressing...well unless it's like "do I have enough formula to get through the day" And sometimes the little guy just isn't in the mood to go to a party..and I have to respect that. We might have to miss out on a few things in this lifetime but is it worth it forcing it and having him and us miserable? NOPE! So I hope you parents out there realize that you are doing the best you can, and if your best is taking a shower on the 3rd day then so be it! Your kid will love you no matter how bad you smell, look for the cues and be patient, babies have bad days just like we do. Happy Valentine's Day to all the Mommy's out there, my little guy is mine :)